Bibliothèque de l'Eglise apostolique arménienne - Paris - KHALPAKHCHIAN , Oganes Khachaturovich     Retour à l'Index des auteurs en anglais    Accueil des catalogues en ligne

Bibliothèque de l'Église apostolique arménienne - Paris
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Oganes Khachaturovich KHALPAKHCHIAN


Historien de l'architecture arménienne
Oganes Khachaturovich KHALPAKHCHIAN --- Cliquer pour agrandir

Rangement général
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 Architectural ensembles of Armenia
Titre : Architectural ensembles of Armenia / auteur(s) : Oganes Khachaturovich KHALPAKHCHIAN -
Editeur : Iskusstvo Publishers, Moscow
Année : 1980
Imprimeur/Fabricant : Iskusstvo Publishers
Description : 26,5 x 21 cm, 479 pages
Collection :
Notes :
Autres auteurs :
Sujets : Architecture arménienne
Lecture On-line : non disponible

Commentaire :

Bilingue anglais et russe
Contient également un hors texte en anglais et russe

Oganes Khachaturovich KHALPAKHCHIAN --- Cliquer pour agrandir

Rangement Beaux-livres
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 Sanahin, Architectural Ensemble of Armenia X-XIII century
Titre : Sanahin, Architectural Ensemble of Armenia X-XIII century / auteur(s) : Oganes Khachaturovich KHALPAKHCHIAN -
Editeur :
Année : 1973
Imprimeur/Fabricant : Moscou
Description : 22,5 x 29 cm, 88 pages, plus 112 Very High Quality Black & White Plates
Collection :
Notes :
Autres auteurs :
Sujets : Sanahin -- Architecture
Lecture On-line : non disponible

Commentaire :

Ouvrage en russe, avec table des illustrations et résumé en anglais

A large monastery ensemble of Sanahin occupies the place of honour among the main cultural centres of the 10th-l 3th century Armenia. Artistic qualities of its architectural masterpieces being very high, the monastery is included into the treasury of both national and world culture. The Sanahin Monastery stands two kilometers south-cast from the Alaverdi station, in the village of the same name on the plateau gently running to the canyon of the Debed-river. Surrounded by village structures the monastery buildings clearly stand out against the woody slope of the Chatindag mountains. Small churches on near-by hills, a bridge across the Debed-river and a group of khatchkars (stones in the form of crosses) complete the ensemble. Sanahin strikes the viewer with the beauty and grandeur of its architecture and simultaneously its position and unity with the scenery around.
The monastery has been referred to in documents beginning from the early 10th century. The formation of Tashir-Dzoraghet kingdom and establishing of the episcopal cathedra in Sanahin favoured its development. Since this time the monastery was often rebuilt by the kings of Ani and Gugarkh and their vassals.
Its commune was quite big. As the historian Stepannos Taronetsi (Asokhick) said in the early 11th century "Sanahin and Haghbat housed five hundred people".
In the late 10th-early 11th centuries Sanahin was the spiritual nucleus of the Tashir-Dzoraghet kingdom and one of the cultural centres of Armenia as a whole. Its Academy associated with Gregory the Magister ranked among the best in the country. Here they taught seven "free" arts of the Middle Ages (grammar, rhetoric, logics, mathematics, geometry, astronomy and music) as well as painting, chiefly miniature, and medicine.

Oganes Khachaturovich KHALPAKHCHIAN --- Cliquer pour agrandir

Rangement Beaux-livres
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 Sanahin - Le complexe monastique de Sanahin (X-XIIIe s.)
Titre : Sanahin - Le complexe monastique de Sanahin (X-XIIIe s.) / auteur(s) : Oganes Khachaturovich KHALPAKHCHIAN -
Editeur : Editions ARES, Milan
Année : 1970
Imprimeur/Fabricant : Grafiche Editoriali Ambrosiane, Milan
Description : 27 x 34 cm, 48 pages, couverture illustrée en couleurs
Collection : Documents of Armenian architecture, Faculta di architettura del politecnico di Milano, 3
Notes : Textes en italien et anglais
Autres auteurs :
Sujets : Arménie -- Architecture ancienne -- Monastères
Lecture On-line : non disponible

Commentaire :

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